Tuesday 27 October 2009

This collection of drawings was compiled from the sketchbooks of Preston born artist Norman Long while on a year long visit to Philadelphia.

Eight years after graduating from Newcastle University and having established himself as a prominent exhibiting and commissioned artist, Long undertook the graduate Post Baccalaureate course at America's oldest art school, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. The train commute to school and to his girlfriend Lindsey's apartment provided ample opportunity to produce this body of work.

Every drawing in the collection was completed either on the train or the platform, lending a spontaneity which cannot be disguised. On antique cream paper, the 8”x 11”drawings are executed in pencil and, appropriately, coffee, the ubiquitous companion of American morning commuters.

Contact Wendy J Levy Contemporary Art www.wendyjlevy-art.com to purchase original drawings.

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